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<p>Thrombocytopenia (45,000/μL) and platelet anisocytosis as an indication of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in a child after viral infection. IPF (immature platelet fraction) in this case was 18.3%.</p>
<p>Thrombocytosis of 1,300,000/μL and platelet anisocytosis in essential thrombocythaemia (ET).</p>
<p>Thrombocytosis, anisocytosis of the platelets and giant platelets in a patient suffering from essential thrombocythaemia (ET). (Also, please note the profound poikilocytosis of the red blood cells.)</p>
<p>Several throphozoites (Tr) in a patient with malaria tropica. Concomitant thrombocytopenia with giant platelets (P). </p>
<p>Tumour cells from a malignant melanoma in peripheral blood.</p>
<p>Typical blasts (on the right with Auer rods ->) in AML-M3variant.</p>